Our Story
Our Story

Illustration by Gem Moss
Our Experience
Our experience at Allied Artists Illustration Agency means that we are quite discerning about the illustrators we represent. There is a lot of cheap illustration available now but you generally get what you pay for with poor quality artwork. So our experience tells us that the definition of a good illustration is meeting the clients brief and budget, but also allowing a degree of creativity from the illustrator. That perfect balance makes for more appealing books and magazines that leap off the shelf.

Illustration by Lindsay Cook
The Agency
Allied Artists Illustration Agency is a leading UK based professional and experienced agency specialising in International Publishing. We started in 1983 with about six artists illustrating magazine stories in the UK and now illustrate across the whole spectrum of publishing working for multi-national publishers, leading Licensors and specialist small internet and traditional publishers.
We had until recently over 100 international illustrators but have trimmed down to a select and focused number with a wide range of styles, expertise, skill and above all enthusiasm and professionalism.
We combine talent and skill with experience and energy.
We illustrate picture books, graphic novels, educational books, non-fiction, magazines and the absolutely cutest kid’s novelty books.
We are passionate about building long term relationships with both our artists and clients.

Illustration by David Martin
Let’s work together
To discuss an illustrator or an illustration project or to get a quote or a simple sample please contact us below.
If you are an illustrator and would like to submit samples or just need to ask a question please also contact us below or call us on +44 (0) 797 1111 256
Cordelia Pickford
Dee Smith
Lindsay Cook
Gem Moss
David Martin
Katya Zolina
Diane Dunning
Charlotte Cleveland
Nikolay Persikov
Yaroslava Baeva
Mark Marderosian
Jim Taylor
Quiel Ramos
Jeff Dehut
Andrew Pickin
Paola Camma
Lyly Young
Del Thorpe
Helen Flook
Patrick Yee
Doriano Strologo
Ana Afonso
MF James
Irina Bolshakova
Mirko Filippi
Jack Stubbs
Caroline Slovensky
Joseph Bayfield
Yaroslava Morozova
Martina Zielinska
Cagdas Demiralp
Alina Manolache
Marko Pinjuh
Alessia Alfano
Sabina Kaifi
Gemma Font
Hossein Soluki
Evgeniya Forsyte
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